Friday, September 28, 2012

GOPAgain Island

In pursuit of the White House, the GOP again seeks to be the Captain and Crew of our national ship.

Comparisons of the Romneys to Thurston and Lovey Howell, and the Politico story about Gov. Romney referring to Paul Ryan as Gilligan, got me thinking. And playing with phot editing.

Hope you get a laugh. Also includes Ann Coulter as Ginger, Campaign Manager Fehrnstrom as Skipper, Michelle Malkin as Mary Ann, and Sean Hannity as the Professor.

My photo editing is weak, but you can at least tell what i was trying to do. HA!

Don't forget to register to vote. And steer clear of the SS Mittow!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Florida Man Shoots Own Penis

Photo is merely a photogrqaphic symbol of the Florida man's gun-shot-wounded penis. Not an actual penis.

While Florida tries to make people jump hurdles, pay fees, and figure out changing precinct hours and locations to exercise the right to vote, it allows any idiot to own a deadly weapon.

Like this Moron.

Get Above Your Raisin' Florida. Maybe a minimum "not a total freaking idiot" test prior to gun ownership?

And how about getting out of the way and letting people vote. It's not like that's going to hurt anyone's junk. Well, except for the  Florida Republican Party's.