Monday, August 23, 2010

Be Proud, Denver!

Normally, this blog focuses on embarrassments. But this one is about something the residents of Denver, CO can be proud of.

Bruce Randolph School will be the first in Denver Public Schools to offer birth control to students.

Way back before cell phones (but after faxes), when I was in college, I wrote a research paper of the relative ineffectiveness of sex ed in high school in preventing teen pregnancy, except and unless birth control was taught and/or provided. And here we are, (let's just say) quite a few years later, and it is still a controversy.

I recall an episode of Designing Women discussing this (way back in the shoulder-pad days). We had a panel discussion at my college about having condom machines in the restrooms on campus, and that was controversial.

Why are Americans so hung up on this? Why do so many Americans think they can ignore the sexual maturation of their children and pretend they are not having sex? Instead of driving yourself into a full-on panic, why not prepare and equip them with the knowledge and protection they need to prevent pregnancy and the spread of disease?

No one is stopping anyone from teaching abstinence. Please do. But people, puh-leeease!

Yes, sex should be private, but why does it have to be a dirty secret, conducted in dark alleys and in the backs of second-hand minivans with a only a hope and a prayer that no one gets pregnant? I mean, as a form of birth control, prayer is not a very successful technique.

This school in Denver is taking a rational approach to a real problem. Too many teen pregnancies? Then let's give 'em some birth control. Don't you think that will be more effective than simply wagging a finger at them and hoping they don't taint your upholstery after Prom is over?

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