Saturday, January 8, 2011

Yes, Words Do Matter.

About 25% of Americans think this ridiculous, holier-than-thou, unthinking, hate-monger should be President. She actually targeted Congresswoman Giffords in her cross hairs map.

She's not just a joke. She's a prophet. Or a leader. She told her minions to reload, and that's just what one did. He took a gun and attacked a freely, duly elected Congresswoman, and at least ten other people, killing a 9 year old girl and a federal judge.

And now I see a bunch of GOP members on TV calling the guy a lunatic, saying that it is not about politics. Bullshit! You cannot invoke violent rhetoric, telling people to "reload" and engage in "second amendment remedies," and encourage people to come to political rallies armed, and then claim total shock and surprise when some right-wing nut pulls a gun and does what you told him to do! Charles Manson didn't actually kill anyone either, but we all know he was the one responsible for those deaths.

The GOP spent a year telling Americans that the world as we know it is coming to an end. "It's the end of a free America! OMG, what are we gonna do? We're gonna feed the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots! Get your guns! Prepare for revolution!"

Most people know stupid rhetoric when they hear it. But obviously, not everyone is that discerning. Look at the murders of abortion doctors. Religious groups put "Wanted - Dead or Alive" posters online, and nuts killed them. It's really quite simple.

Words matter. Perhaps the words said in the context of political rivalry matter even more, because they trigger deep emotions. But I'm guessing there will be no political consequence for the hateful vitriol that led to this assassination, both attempted and actual.

Here's the video from the whack-job. He's a nut. But that does not excuse the violent rhetoric that fueled him.

How about an apology to the families of these victims from Sister Sarah, from Sharon Angle, from every Tea Partier that invoked violent language in a political campaign? *crickets*

This is not a banana republic. It is a modern democratic republic. It is not "American" or "Patriotic" to threaten revolution or violence when you don't get your way, and it has not been since the War for Independence ended. Oppression by tyranny justifies violence. Losing a free election does not.

This is sad and frustrating and infuriating and sickening. But what is most frustrating is that the media is totally giving a pass to the hate-mongers whose rhetoric fueled this violence. Maybe they'll get on it when the story settles, or maybe when we know more about the perpetrator. We'll see.

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