Thursday, February 17, 2011

So Many Stories, So Little Time

I've been so busy at work, I have been neglecting my blog. Sorry. Here area few quick thoughts on stories that drew my attention.


Inspiring to see people rise up (relatively) peacefully and demand change. But it appears they ended a dictatorship in favor of a military regime. I'm worried their elections in September will be as big a hoax as ever. Freedom and democracy take commitment and vigilance, and a constitution that means something. Here's hoping Egypt stays on track.

Tree-cide in Toomer's Corner:

Someone poisoned large trees in Toomer's Corner in Auburn, Alabama, presumably as some act of revenge or retribution for the schools athletic success. IMO, anyone who poisons trees is a douche. Anyone who poisons really beautiful old oak trees is a huge douche. And anyone who poisons beautiful old oak trees over a sports rivalry is an embarrassingly stupid and pathetic, huge douche.

The Weeper of the House:

I thought GOP Job One was supposed to be "JOBS JOBS JOBS." Instead, it is "waste time on abortion legislation that has no chance of passing" just to pander to people who think women are too stupid and immoral to make good choices. Has anything passed in the house since the GOP took over? This guy is really bad at his job.

The rest of the Middle East:

We spent trillions of dollars to bring democracy to Iraq (whether they want it or not) while simultaneously propping up dictators all over the Arab world. Maybe, if we really want democracy in the Arab world, we should just butt out and let them choose the government they want. Isn't that what we say we believe in?

Utah trying to adopt a State Firearm:

Yes, I am embarrassed that my adopted home state is doing this. People here just love their guns. And no facts or statistics can persuade them of the inherent danger in them. Just because you have the right to something does not mean it's a good idea.

The Chrysler Detroit Superbowl ad:

I think eminem is a "Richard Cranium." His lyrics are violent and misogynistic. But that ad kicked ass! It simultaneously made me feel sorry for and proud of Detroit. And it made me want to buy (another) Chrysler vehicle.

Grammy for Best Vocal to Bruno Mars and not Adam Lambert:

Adam Lambert is proof that winning is not everything. But seeing him lose to a guy with a good but not great voice who just plead guilty to cocaine possession made my stomach turn and my blood boil. Apparently, being a convicted criminal is still preferable to being openly gay, even in the "liberal" music industry.

So, those are my thoughts. If you are interested in my POV on an issue (though I don't know why you would be) let me know and I'll blog about it.


  1. Isn't it your state that made it legal for University students to carry guns on campus? No surprise they are now adopting a State Firearm.

    I agree with most of your POVs. Also, understand Ayn Rand. Was hooked on "Atlas Shrugged". But then, during that same year I campaigned for Barry Goldwater. To say I have changed through the years is an understatement!

  2. Marilyn,

    Yes, to answer your question. I think Utah did pass that law.

    In today's political climate, I think Barry would be a Blue Dog Democrat. Did you know Hillary Clinton campaigned for Barry Goldwater?

  3. I think I did know that about Hillary. I have several liberal Democrat friends who did the same.

    I thought Barry would put an end to the Vietnam war, even if it meant dropping the "bomb" on them. I was an innocent then... just wanted an end to that dreadful war.
