Arnold Schwarzenegger TWICE vetoed gay-marriage laws in California in order to protect the sanctity of marriage while simultaneously carrying on a polyamorous relationship! WTH? Gay people only want to marry ONE OTHER GAY PERSON. It's not like the kink-fest Arnold was engaged in at all.
I think we all agree that Arnold is a scumbag. If he had done a better job of "fixing" California, and allowed the legislature to pass the gay marriage law they tried to enact TWICE, he would still be a scumbag, but he would have also been (1) a better governor and (2) less a hypocrite. I can forgive the scumbaggery. It's the hypocrisy I have a problem with.
When will people stop repeating this fantasy about the sanctity of marriage in this country? The only sacred thing about marriage is the relationship between 2 specific people. It is not a "sacred institution" as it applies to our society, and it has never been. There have always been adulterers, abusers, people who abandon their families, people who marry for money, women who trap men by getting pregnant, men who have children with maids. We even have people getting paid to go on TV to choose a spouse. Does that sound sacred to you? Half of marriages in the US end in divorce.
I do think a PERSON can hold something sacred. And if two people together succeed in cherishing their marriage, that marriage can be sacred, IMO.
We know that straight people - or at least half of them - do not take marriage very seriously. My question is: Why do opponents of gay marriage assume that two gay people will be as big a failure at taking their wedding vows seriously as two straight people?
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