Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Oh No, Idaho! (With Some Shame on Liberty U Too)

Some nut-job from Idaho thought he'd travel to DC and kill the President.

That may seem shocking to some of you, but I've heard and read some of my fellow Americans praying for, wishing for, and expressing a desire for the President's death. (Just FYI, rednecks, it's not OK to root for your President's death just because he's African American. He was duly elected. You live in a democratic republic. If you want to live in a theocracy, move to Iran.)

On November 11, 2011, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, 21, traveled to DC, drove to the White House, got out with a semiautomatic rifle, and fired shots at the White House breaking windows and damaging the wall.

And he is a nut-job. First off, Obama was famously out of town. It was broadcast all over the news that Obama was not in DC for days prior to this lame effort.

Secondly, he didn't just shoot at him to assassinate a President he disagreed with. Nope. According to people who know him, he believes Obama is the Anti-Christ. I guess he thought he was going to thwart God's plans for humanity by simply shooting the Anti-Christ. Moron.

I'm grateful the guy is a moron. I don't want my President assassinated, and not just because I agree with him, but because I'm an American. If I were Idaho, I'd be embarrassed.

For some reason religious nuts resort to homicide to fulfill their whacky missions. So when I see people on my Facebook feed, who consider themselves devout Christians, bitterly rooting for someone to kill Obama "as soon as possible," I wonder just how close they are to making the trip themselves and becoming a headline.

Some of the fine "Christians" I have heard and read pleading for Obama's death - including at least 2 graduates of Liberty University - are sufficient proof to me that they are more about bullying people than loving them. Somewhere along the line, their dogma became about judgment rather than grace and persecution rather than charity. It became about winning elections rather than saving souls. But really, what's the difference between the Liberty nut-jobs and Oscar, aside from Oscar's possible mental illness?

And, finally, here's a news flash, religious creeps: the Anti-Christ is more likely to come out of Liberty University than Harvard Law School. Otherwise, how would he convince fools like you to become his disciples?

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