There are famous rabble-rousers who say crap like this for a living and sane people know they are entertainment hacks, not journalists, who are not to be taken seriously. But the wackadoo crowd worries me. Because apparently, they think it's perfectly plausible, even likely, that our own government murdered and maimed innocent people at the Boston Marathon. And in the past few years, we have seen more and more wackadoos get elected to office.
Stella is on a rather small stage as a New Hampshie legislator, but we have Michele Bachmann who thinks - and tells people - the Muslim Brotherhood has "deeply penetrated" the United States government.
And she was a legitimate contender for the GOP nomination in the 2012 election.
And today Representative Jason Chaffetz is one of two congressmen who agreed to have actual congressional hearings on a conspiracy theory fomented by a right-wing radio personality. Really?!
As the article I linked above points out, there is no sinister explanation behind the Department of Homeland Security's purchase of ammunition. The suggestion that the US government's purchase of large quantities of ammo was a "sign" that the government was preparing to attack its own people is absurd and, coincidentally, UTTERLY WITHOUT PROOF.
The US government routinely buys huge amounts of ammo for its many armed agents to use in training, practice, and the field. And it's somehow not a sinister act until the Black President is in office. Huh. Funny.
It's another stupid, baseless load of horse-puckey brought to you by the fear-mongering Alex Jones. So Mr. Chaffetz thought spending some federal tax dollars on a congressional hearing to "get to the bottom" of this drummed-up sham would be a fun thing to do.
The monster is not in the closet, it's in the bed. The monster is the person with the twisted, delusional, irrational mind who screams to the news media trying to scare us all about the the non-existent monster in the closet. This type of craziness used to be fringe and outside the halls of leadership. Not anymore.
The crazy is spreading. The more the regular news media gives attention to the Glenn Becks and Alex Joneses of the world - and their psychotic/profit-seeking blatherings - the more power is given to the wackadoos, and the more Michele Bachmanns, Stella Tremblays and Jason Chaffetzes we are going to see elected to office. How will we ever Get Above Our Raisin' electing lunatics like this?
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