If you watch the news, you know that the last year has been all about the Tea Baggers. They want lower taxes and lower deficits, at the same time, all the while they want the government to keep its hands off of their Medicare. But here's a little information, you know - actual fact:
The average American's income taxes for 2009 were the lowest since 1950. That means the last time income taxes were this low, that old white guy pictured above was President of the United States (That's Harry Truman, BTW.). That's 59 years ago.
Meanwhile, we were in 2 land wars, and were coming out of a HUGE recession caused by the avarice of unchecked and unregulated greed in the form of (it turns out) fraudulent schemes to disguise bad assets as "warrants" and "derivatives." So, I think you Tea Baggers need to get a clue. Here's some help.
Dear Tea Baggers:
(1) Stop getting so STEAMED and read a book. Any book. Ok, not any book. How about a history book or a book on economics? Stay away from books by authors named Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter, Bush and God. Read something enlightening and informative.
(2) You are so STEEPED in prejudice, why don't you just admit that your real problem is that the guy in the White House isn't. Come out of the closet and be true to yourself. Wear your white hood proudly. I say this because the primary stated reason behind the Tea Bagger movement is utter crap. You DO NOT want smaller government. If you did, you would give up your Social Security, Medicare, Disability, VA benefits, and you would want the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ended NOW. You really are just upset because you "want your country back." Well, it's not just your country, Bubba. It belongs to all of us, of all races, religions (and non-religions), sexual orientations, ages, ethnicities, and political philosophies. Your life will be so much more Zen when you accept this.
(3) LEAVE the TV and stop watching Fox News. You are being used and manipulated. Also, See #1.
So remember, under Obama, first African American President of the United States, and a Democrat, you paid the lowest taxes in 59 years. Can you repeat after me? "Obama lowered my taxes. Obama lowered my taxes. Obama lowered my taxes."
I knew you really couldn't but it was worth a try.
Yours patriotically,
Heather "Obama lowered your taxes" McDougald
Heather, are you kidding me? Do you really believe all the hype you've written here?
ReplyDeleteFirst, have you actually read about what CAUSED the lower taxes in 2009? A lot of it has to do with people earning LESS money and thus taking advantage of previously-enacted tax breaks for those with lower incomes. Yes, part of it is from the stimulus, but much of it was due to the bad economy--you know the one caused while the more liberal-minded lawmakers controlled congress. When government incentiv-izes and persuades the market to grant loans to people who can't afford them in the long run, guess what happens?
And by the way, have you actually ever opened your mind to a book by anyone on the list of authors you denounce? Have you ever taken an intellectual look at there true points of view?
And COME ON, the tea party is all about racism? REALLY? REALLY? How pitifully convenient is that come-back? When a gay guy yelled at an Obama speech for his actions on don't-ask-don't-tell, I guess that guy was an obvious racist as well, huh!! That's such a STUPID argument, Heather. I mean STUPID. PURE INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY. If you can't provide intelligent discussion on the real issues and can only make up your own arguments for the "right" that are easily torn down, then perhaps you should do us a favor and stop blogging.
By the way, people who were FORCED to pay Social Security have every right to expect benefits promised to them--to claim that means they are against smaller government is AN INVALID ARGUMENT! It's not an intelligent, honest argument, but I'm sure that won't stop you from continuing to use it. Also, VA benefits were a promise made for services rendered to our country. Again, they are not contrary to the idea of smaller government. I KNOW you have the intelligence to know that! Can't you admit that it's your bias talking there and not an attempt to make a logical point?
In fact, do you REALLY not get what we generally mean by "smaller government," Heather? REALLY? It's not about no government or government that does nothing--its about a government that has a very specialized focus. One focused heartily on protection of individual freedoms. (And Heather, that is NOT the primary focus of Obama and those who generally agree with his political ideology.) THAT is what is meant by wanting "our country back." It's NOT about race--that's a moronic claim. It's not about religion or sexuality or age or ethnicity. It's about the essential political ideology that forms the basis of America as a concept. If YOU REALLY don't get that, then perhaps you are just ignorant of the mindset of those with whom you disagree. i suspect, however, that the seeming ignorance is actually due to your desire to make your arguments and stick with your beliefs, even if you have to ignore real, logical, intelligent debate on these matters. At least that's what Blog entries like this one seem to indicate, IMHO. I don't know why you'd care, but it's so disappointing to me.