Monday, April 19, 2010

Alaska, the Long Lost Confederate State

The difference between shooting rabbits from the back of a moving pick-up truck and shooting wolves from an airborne helicopter is a matter of degree, money, and geography.

In my introductory post, I mentioned that there are rednecks all over America. Alaska is a case in point. One reader commented to me via FB that Jeff Foxworthy has made a lot of money making jokes about the south. That's true. And I hope to be funny, but in a different way. Can I ask you to think?

I suggest that Alaska is the long, lost southern state, the Confederate missing link, if you will.

You have the aforementioned mobile hunting technique comparison. But also, there is a strong secessionist movement in Alaska. Guns, huntin', fishin', trucks, secession meetin's - if it weren't so damn cold, and if they didn't talk funny, you'd think you were in Kentucky. (BTW, I don't know if Kentuckians know this, but any place in America outside the south that is full of rednecks is called ______tucky by the normal people. For example, Vancouver, Washington is frequently referred to as "Vantucky." See how that works?)

So, if the South is serious about secession, it should consider inviting Alaska to join the movement. It has lots of oil, which will be needed. Plus, I think Sarah Palin would make an excellent Confederate President, assuming women get the right to vote.

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