Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Don't Tread on Me, But I'm Gonna Tread on You

You knew I was going to blog about this, didn't you?

A large, angry Rand Paul supporter (along with his tea party co-horts) assaulted a activist and stepped on her head. Here's the video.

No, I don't think all Tea Partiers are violent. But should we be surprised this happened given the rhetoric about "feeding the tree of liberty with blood" and invoking "second amendment remedies."

The a-hole who did this says the video takes his actions out of context. Really? In what context would it be OK for a man to hold a woman down and step on her head for disagreeing with him and having the nerve to say it out loud. Maybe in the long-lost good old days of 1789 that would have been fine. But in 2010, it's actually a crime. Have fun in prison!

Watching him stomp on this woman, I can feel his hatred of her permeating off the screen. She had no weapon, she made no threats. She just wanted her dissenting POV to be seen and heard. So they held her down and stepped on her. And this is the party that thinks the federal government is oppressive? What's it going to be like if these yahoos get elected?

Rand Paul's reaction has been slow, but he finally did condemn the actions. Thanks, Rand. Big of ya, Rand.

With the hateful, inciting rhetoric we have heard this election season, I'm actually a little surprised this hasn't happened more. This is what happens to people who live in a democracy who are told that if they don't win at the polls, they have the right to become violent. And that's what these boneheads have been told. They think they are part of a revolution when actually, they are part of an election campaign.

Allow me to respond to this bullying by saying, "Hey, don't tread on me (or anyone else) you bone-headed, ignorant, woman-abusing, unChristlike coward."

The federal government may be big, and at times inefficient, but it never beat me up and stepped on my head.

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