Tuesday, November 30, 2010

you pick the headline for this blog

Some of you have seen this by now. It is video footage of a woman being attacked by an otter. We actually see very little of the otter as the woman starts flailing and screaming trying to flee from the aggressive little fur-ball.

Here is my moment of geek: Otters belong to the same family as weasels, badgers and polecats, so it should not really be a big surprise. But it is unusual for the nice member of the family to be so nasty. Still, keep an eye on your small dogs, children, and family members with video camera.

So, that's my blog. But the fun part? The TITLE!

Here are the options I came up with.

Don't Put One Foot In Front of the Otter

Otters Fed Up With TSA Scans and Remote Cameras

Victim From An Otter Mother

Otterly Ridiculous Animal Attacks

Auburn Paid Otter to Attack Florida Gator Fan

Wikileak: Otter Attacks Part of Obama Leftist Conspiracy

Violence Increases Near Harry P Otter School

This Is My Commandment That You Love One An Otter

The Tyranny of Otter Babies, Otter Rabies

Tea Party Chooses Wrong Angry Momma. Otter Mommas Kick Grizzly Ass!

What are your suggestions?