Last night on The Rachel Maddow Show, she interviewed a Ugandan man who has authored a bill in that country that, if passed, calls for life imprisonment for gay people and the execution for those who engage in "aggravated homosexuality" (defined, in part, as repeated offenses of homosexual conduct).
Rachel Maddow has never made a secret of her sexuality. She sometimes even refers to her girlfriend in lighter moments on the show. And there she sat, via satellite, interviewing this ignorant lunatic who, in his home country, is advocating the extermination of homosexuals.
The law was partially written by members of the American group known as "The Family," and as the "C Street" group. The Family includes some prominent US politicians, including Senator John Ensign and Governor Mark Sanford. Members of the Family have travelled to Uganda to lend a hand to the homo-cidal nuts there who justify the murder of gay people with the scripture: "The wages of sin is death." (If that were really a justification, we'd have a death penalty for all crimes, and adultery, and lying, and coveting, etc.)
He kept pointing out that in his culture homosexuality was not a human right as it is in the US. Uh, maybe someone should explain to this moron that human rights are universal, that is what makes them human rights - the fact that all humans have them! The fact that he thinks it's OK to kill gay people just shows how badly the Ugandan government fails in recognizing and protecting human rights.
What I was so amazed by was Rachel's ability to stay calm and cool while interviewing someone who would have her killed if he had the power to do so.
The entire spectacle was sickening. He kept saying that homosexuals in Uganda "recruit" children, but when asked to provide what evidence he had to support this accusation, he just repeated that there was substantial evidence. The "recruiting" thing is the same myth Jerry Falwell and the other religious haters in the US have used too. It was even used in support of Prop 8 in California. Guess we know where he learned that lie. And it is a lie.
It is really should not be surprising that the hate-speech from so-called Christians in the US gets amped up to gay death squads when the gay-hating-missionaries make their way over to Uganda. In this country, we don't condone killing people who are different. We just pass laws to deprive them of rights. But in Uganda, the standards are a little different. Persecution is insufficient to cleanse the population. They must kill gay people to make sure God's law in enforced.
God must be really pissed off at the hate and ignorance being promulgated in his name. I just wish He'd do something about it.
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