Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Apparently, Alabamians Still Oblivious to Time Zones

Two, count 'em, two FB "friends", both of whom live in Alabama, posted the Idol results before it had run its course in the Mountain and Pacific time zones, spoiling the end for me and my sister.

Let me try to explain this so you can understand.

Despite the long held myths, the earth's rotation only makes it appear that the sun goes around the earth. The earth, not flat but a wonky sphere, actually rotates on an axis. So the angle of the sun shining on the earth changes as the earth rotates.

Because we have all agreed not to make 1.4 billion Chinese people eat lunch at midnight, we came up with the concept of TIME ZONES. So, when it's 9 pm in Mobile, Alabama, it is only 8 pm (halfway through Idol) in Utah and only 7 pm in Washington state (Idol does not even begin until 8 pm in Washington state.).

I know this mite hirt yur brane, but try showing a litel respekt for those of us in the westurn tyme zones next tyme.

Do you understand now?


  1. So, I just want to know who you were voting for? Were you happy with the results, or just pissed at the Alabama friends spoiled it for ya? =)

  2. I wasn't really rooting for anyone, but I thought Crystal deserved to win more than the pitchy and scratchy show (aka Lee).
