Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can He Be Guilty If God Told Him to Do It?

The Bible tells us that God told Abraham to kill his son as a sacrifice, then spared him at the last minute. The Bible tells us that God told Noah to build a giant ark. God told Moses to face down Pharaoh and trust in Him, though that appeared to be a suicide mission. And on and on, the Bible tells us of God speaking to relatively normal, unimportant individuals, telling them to do things their peers thought strange. We hold these people up as examples whose faith exceed the norm, because they obeyed God's instructions though they seemed illogical or even crazy.

In Thibodaux, Louisiana, a man was arrested because God told him to walk around town in the nude and he did it. Shafiq Mohamad claims he was walking around Thibodaux naked because God told him to. And who can prove otherwise?

Why is Abraham an inspiration, but Shafiq a nut? Why does Moses hearing a voice in a burning bush make him someone to revere, while Shafiq is someone to pity?

I hear all the time about how America is a Christian nation (though I don't ascribe to that description) yet we dismiss it when ordinary people claim to hear God's voice.

For all we know, Shafiq Mohamed is God's next prophet. Locking him up may not bode well with the Big Guy in the Sky.

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